The STEM Sis Mentoring Portal is a dynamic online platform facilitating mentoring relationships within the STEM Sisters Mentoring Program. This portal is a centralized hub where mentors and mentees can connect, collaborate, and track their progress throughout their mentoring journey.

Note: Access to the STEM Sisters Mentoring Portal is exclusively available to mentees and mentors participating in the STEM Sisters Mentoring Program.

Stem sis mentorship dashboard

allow Mentees to access various resources, tools, and communication channels through the mentoring dashboard to enhance their learning and professional development in the STEM field. Mentees can set goals, manage tasks, and engage in meaningful discussions with their mentors. The portal also provides a personalized file-sharing library where mentors can share valuable materials to support mentees’ growth.

Conversely, mentors can use the mentoring dashboard to guide and support their mentees effectively. They can communicate with mentees through messaging and video conferencing, providing timely feedback and guidance. The portal’s project management functionality allows mentors to track mentees’ progress, assign tasks, and ensure alignment with mentees’ goals.

stem sis MENTORSHIP DASHBOARD features

Progress Tracking

Monitor your progress and milestones throughout the program using the progress tracking feature. This enables you to stay on track with your goals and reflect on the growth and development you have achieved.

File Sharing

Share documents, resources, and materials with your mentor through the secure file-sharing feature. This ensures easy access to relevant information and facilitates seamless collaboration on specific projects or tasks.


Stay current with mentoring sessions, events, and important program milestones. The calendar provides a comprehensive view of all scheduled activities, allowing you to plan your participation accordingly.

Discussion Forums

Engage in meaningful conversations and discussions. The discussion forums provide a platform for exchanging ideas, seeking advice, and sharing experiences, creating a supportive community within the program.

mentorship dashboard guide

Once logged in, you will be led to the dashboard. You will see your mentoring program coursework and tasks.

Find your tasks from this page.

Tasks will be assigned each week with relevant files. You can also upload files or add discussion.

At the beginning of each week, the program coordinator will initiate a discussion by posting messages and relevant files. You can find the relevant details by navigating to the “Discussion” tab.

Click on the “Calendar” tab in the navigation menu to access your personal calendar. Remember to attend meetings and events.